Sealtite ® metálico listado
Type SS-ZHUA - Stainless Steel Zero Halogen Liquid Tight, Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- Constructed of continuously interlocked stainless steel core for exceptional crush and corrosion resistance.
- Durable, sunlight resistant, flame retardant, LOW SMOKE and ZERO HALOGEN, liquid tight, TPU jacket.
- Resists heat, oil and chemical breakdown
- Approved for direct burial and in concrete trade sizes 3/8" through 2"
- Meets the demands of today’s higher temperature rated conductors
- Color: Black
- Temperature range: -40°F to +176°F (-40°C to +80°C)
- UV (sunlight), corrosion and oil resistant
- Use a separate grounding conductor or bonding jumper per NEC Article 250.118(5)(f)
Compliant with NEC Articles
- 300.22 (D) Information Technology Equipment
- 250.102, 250.118(5)(f) and 250.134(B) Equipment Grounding
- Suitable for Hazardous Locations per NEC Articles
- 501.10(B)(2) Class I Div. 2
- 502.10(A)(2) Class II Div. 1 & 2
- 503.10(A)(3) and (B) Class III Div. 1 & 2
- 350 Liquid-tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- 645.5 (E) (2) Under raised floors
- Commercial applications where Zero Halogen and Low Smoke conduit is specified
- Approved for installation under raised floors
- Approved for direct burial and in concrete
- Rail and aerospace transport
- Commercial buildings
UL 360 DXHR.E18917 / NEC Article 350 / RoHS WEEE COMPLIANT
Meets requirements of NFPA 79 (2024 Edition) Section 13.5.4 LFMC and NFPA 130 (2023 Edition) Section LFMC- Meets or exceeds
- ASTM-E162 (Flame spread)
- ASTM-E662 (Smoke density)
- Bombardier SMP-800C (Toxic gas generation)
Recommended ANACONDA SEALTITE® Fittings
Compact 316 Stainless Steel for the best corrosion resistance
Compact Nickel-Plated Brass for next level corrosion resistance -
Type SS-HTUA - Stainless Steel, Hot and Cold Resistant Jacket, Liquid Tight, Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- Constructed of continuously interlocked stainless steel core for exceptional crush and corrosion resistance
- Durable, sunlight resistant and flame retardant thermoplastic PVC jacket that resists heat, oil and chemical breakdown
- Approved for direct burial and in concrete trade sizes 3/8" through 2"
- Designed for most extreme temperature applications
- Approved for exposed and concealed locations
- Flexible metal core liquid tight conduit
- Designed for applications where a higher temperature range with UL approval is required or desired
- Black jacket available by special order
- Uses standard liquid tight connectors for easy installation
- Use a separate grounding conductor or bonding jumper per NEC Article 250.118(5)(f)
- Stainless core with liquid tight PVC jacket
- Color: Gray
- Temperature range: -51°F to +221°F (-46°C to +105°C) CSA max +167°F (+75°C)
- UV (sunlight), corrosion and oil resistant
- Applications for high and low temperature
- Where UL approvals are required
- Steel and petrochemicals industries
Compliant with NEC Articles
- 300.22 (D) Iinformation Technology Equipment
- 250.102, 250.118(5)(f) and 250.134(B) Equipment Grounding
- Suitable for Hazardous Locations per NEC Articles
- 501.10(B)(2) Class I Div. 2
- 502.10(A)(2) Class II Div. 1 & 2
- 503.10(A)(3) and (B) Class III Div. 1 & 2
- 350 Liquid-tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- 645.5 (E) (2) Under raised floors
UL 360 DXHR.E18917 / NEC Article 350 / RoHS WEEE COMPLIANT
Meets requirements of NFPA 79 (2024 Edition) Section 13.5.4 LFMC and NFPA 130 (2023 Edition) Section LFMCRecommended ANACONDA SEALTITE® Fittings
Compact 316 Stainless Steel for the best corrosion resistance
Compact Nickel-Plated Brass for next level corrosion resistance -
Type UVUA - UV (sunlight) Resistant, UL Listed, Liquid Tight, Flexible, Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- Constructed of continuously interlocked hot dipped zinc galvanized steel core for exceptional crush and corrosion resistance.
- Durable, UV (sunlight) resistant PVC jacket that resists heat, oil and chemical breakdown.
- Temperature range: -40°F to +176°F (-40°C to + 80°C)
- UV (sunlight), corrosion and oil resistant.
- Color: Black.
- Approved for direct burial and in concrete.
- Available in Trade sizes 3/8 to 4 inches.
- Greatly exceeds UL 360 Sunlight Resistance requirements.
- Independently proven durability, after UV exposure over 3.8 times longer than the UL 360 standard using a Weatherometer.
Compliant with NEC Articles
- 300.22 (D) Information Technology Equipment
- 250.102, 250.118(5) and 250.134(B) Equipment Grounding
- Suitable for Hazardous Locations per NEC Articles
- 501.10(B)(2) Class I Div. 2
- 502.10(A)(2) Class II Div. 1 & 2
- 503.10(A)(3) and (B) Class III Div. 1 & 2
- 350 Liquid-tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- 645.5 (E) (2) Under raised floors
UL 360 DXHR.E18917 / NEC Article 350 / RoHS WEEE COMPLIANT
Meets requirements of NFPA 79 (2024 Edition) Section 13.5.4 LFMC and NFPA 130 (2023 Edition) Section LFMCRecommended ANACONDA SEALTITE® Fittings
Compact 316 Stainless Steel for the best corrosion resistance
Compact Nickel-Plated Brass for next level corrosion resistance -
Type SS-UA - Stainless Steel, UL Listed, Liquid Tight, Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- Constructed of continuously interlocked stainless steel core for exceptional crush and corrosion resistance
- Durable, sunlight resistant and flame retardant thermoplastic PVC jacket that resists heat, oil and chemical breakdown
- Approved for direct burial and in concrete trade sizes 3/8" through 2"
- Designed for most extreme temperature applications.
- Approved for exposed and concealed locations
- Flexible metal core liquid tight conduit
- Designed for applications where a higher temperature range with UL approval is required or desired
- Approved for direct burial and in concrete applications up to 2”
- Black jacket available by special order
- Uses standard liquid tight connectors for easy installation
- Use a separate grounding conductor or bonding jumper per NEC Article 250.118(5)(f)
- Stainless steel core with liquid tight PVC jacket
- Color: Gray
- Temperature range: -51°F to +221°F (-46°C to +105°C) CSA max +167°F (+75°C)
- UV (sunlight), corrosion and oil resistant
Compliant with NEC Articles
- 300.22 (D) Information Technology Equipment
- 250.102, 250.118(5)(f) and 250.134(B) Equipment Grounding
- Suitable for Hazardous Locations per NEC Articles
- 501.10(B)(2) Class I Div. 2
- 502.10(A)(2) Class II Div. 1 & 2
- 503.10(A)(3) and (B) Class III Div. 1 & 2
- 350 Liquid-tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- 645.5 (E) (2) Under raised floors
UL 360 DXHR.E18917 / NEC Article 350 / RoHS WEEE COMPLIANT
Meets requirements of NFPA 79 (2024 Edition) Section 13.5.4 LFMC and NFPA 130 (2023 Edition) Section LFMCRecommended ANACONDA SEALTITE® Fittings
Compact 316 Stainless Steel for the best corrosion resistance
Compact Nickel-Plated Brass for next level corrosion resistance -
Type ASUA HD - Anti-Static, UL Listed, CSA Approved, Liquid Tight, Flexible, Metal Conduit (LFMC)
Type ASUA HD - Anti-Static, UL Listed, CSA Approved, Liquid Tight, Flexible, Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- Constructed of continuously interlocked hot dipped zinc galvanized steel core for exceptional crush and corrosion resistance.
- Anti-static, durable, sunlight resistant and flame retardant thermoplastic PVC jacket that resists heat and chemical breakdown.
- Meets NEN-EN-IEC 600079-0 Section 26-13 anti-static surface resistivity requirement of less than 1 billion (thousand million) Ohms
- Surface resistance remains less than 1 billion (thousand million) Ohms after accelerated aging
- Approved for direct burial and in concrete trade sizes 3/8" through 2"
- Protection of 1000 volt and lower potential circuits
- Not suitable for oily environments
- Galvanized steel core with liquid tight PVC jacket
- Color: Black
- Temperature range: -40°F to +221°F (-40°C to +105°C) CSA max +167°F (+75°C)
- UV (sunlight) and corrosion resistant
- UL 360 Approved #E18917 and NEC Article 350
- CSA C22.2 #LL15275
- CSA Certified “Heavy-Duty” 1/2” and up
Compliant with NEC Articles
- 300.22 (D) Information Technology Equipment
- 250.102, 250.118(5) and 250.134(B) Equipment Grounding
- Suitable for Hazardous Locations per NEC Articles
- 501.10(B)(2) Class I Div. 2
- 502.10(A)(2) Class II Div. 1 & 2
- 503.10(A)(3) and (B) Class III Div. 1 & 2
- 350 Liquid-tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC)
- 645.5 (E) (2) Under raised floors
- CSA Certified “Heavy-Duty” 1/2” and up
UL 360 DXHR.E18917 / CSA C22.2 #LL15275 / NEC Article 350 / RoHS WEEE COMPLIANT / CSA Certified “Heavy-Duty” 1/2” and up
Meets requirements of NFPA 79 (2024 Edition) Section 13.5.4 LFMC and NFPA 130 (2023 Edition) Section LFMCRecommended ANACONDA SEALTITE® Fittings
Compact 316 Stainless Steel for the best corrosion resistance
Compact Nickel-Plated Brass for next level corrosion resistance -
Tipo UA - Eletroduto Metalico Flexivel Impermeavel (LFMC)
- Construido com nucleo de aco galvanizado a fogo, continuamente intertravado, grantindo otima resistencia a corrosao e compressao.
- Revestimento termoplastico de PVC duravel, resistente a luz do sol e reardante de chamas, resistente tambem a calor, oleo e degeneracao quimica.
Em conformidade com a RoHS WEEE -
Tipo HTUA - Temperaturas Mais Altas e Mais Baixas Eletroduto metalico Flexivel Impermeavel (LFMC)
Tipo HTUA - Temperaturas Mais Altas e Mais Baixas Eletroduto metalico Flexivel Impermeavel (LFMC)
- Construido com nucleo de aco galvanizado a fogo, continuamente intertravado, grantindo otima resistencia a corrosao e compressao..
- Revestimento termoplastico de PVC duravel, resistente a luz do sol e retardante de chamas, resistente tambem a calor, oleo e degeneracao quimica.
- Projetado para suportar o uso em grande parte de temperaturas extremas.
Em conformidade com a RoHS WEEE -
Tipo CW - Azul Computador Eletroduto Metalico Flexivel Impermeavel (LFMC)
- Construido com nucleo de aco galvanizado a fogo, continuamente intertravado, grantindo otima resistencia a corrosao e compressao..
- Revestimento termoplastico de PVC duravel, resistente a luz do sol e retardante de chamas, resistente tambem a calor, oleo e degeneracao quimica.
Em conformidade com a RoHS WEEE -
Tipo ZHUA - Halogenio Zero Baixa Propagacao de Fumaca e Chamas Eletroduto Metalico Flexivel Impermeavel (LFMC)
- Construido com nucleo de aco galvanizado a fogo, continuamente intertravado, grantindo otima resistencia a corrosao e compressao..
- Revestimento termoplastico de TPU duravel, BAIXA PROPAGACAO DE FUMACA e HALOGENIO ZERO resistente a luz do sol e retardante de chamas, resistente tambem a calor, oleo e degeneracao quimica.
- Projetado para uso em temperaturas extremas.
- Atende a demanda atual para condutores classificados para temperaturas mais altas.
Em conformidade com a RoHS WEEE